Pregnancy Massage

Composition which addresses discomforts during pregnancy, relieve anxiety, joint paints & tensions.


Composition which addresses discomforts during pregnancy, relieve anxiety, joint paints & tensions. 〰️


What is a Pregnancy Massage?

Pregnancy Massage is specifically tailored for mothers-to-be. The gentle composition addresses any discomforts and tensions during pregnancy, and is considered to be an instrumental ingredient in women’s prenatal care. We recommend this massage therapy to all mums in their 2-6 months of pregnancy.

Our Pregnancy Massage uses the principles based on Swedish massage techniques which helps reduce muscle tension and improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage. This type of massage specifically helps mothers-to-be by altering hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress which leads to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health. It also helps stimulate soft tissues that reduces collection of fluids in swollen joints also known as edema.

Overall, the pregnancy massage can help reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle and joint pains, and improve labor outcomes and newborn health.